Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities for 2026 now available
For more information or to book these packages, please email Jacqui or call +441892 3516126
Sponsor Partner: €5500 + VAT
As a Sponsor Partner, this package will ensure you get the most branding and exposure at Education Buildings Ireland. With a host of marketing opportunities, the Sponsor Partner package is limited to 8 non competing companies. Branding will feature prominently on all marketing material before the event and during the conference & exhibition.
Before the Conference & Exhibition
- Logo to appear on all marketing material.
- Logo to appear on the homepage of the website and all other pages.
- Exhibitor and Sponsors page listings: 100 words, logo, URL, promotional documents & contact details.
- Dedicated sponsor page on website for your images, videos and wording.
- Personalised web banners, buttons, twitter tiles and email signatures.
- Press releases published on the event website.
- Social media support for your announcements.
At the Conference & Exhibition
- Logo to appear on all signage at the event.
- Logo and listing to appear in the Digital Event Guide.
- Full page advert in the Digital Event Guide.
- Logo on conference holding slides.
- 5 x 2-day conference passes.
Post Conference & Exhibition
- 1 paragraph and quote included in the post-event statement.
Digital Event Guide Advertising Package: €1250 + VAT
Up to 5 available
- 1 full page advert in the Digital Event Guide
- Logo included on your exhibitor profile online and in the Digital Event Guide
- Enhanced Exhibitor listing on the event website
- Unlimited On-Demand Videos, Press Releases, Product Brochures, and Case Studies added to your exhibitor profile
- 1 x Interchangeable 2-day conference pass (so you may share the pass with colleagues and tag team in and out of the conference)
- Logo on the large floorplan at registration at Education Buildings Ireland 2026
To book this sponsorship opportunity please email: jacqui@stepconnect2.com
Premium Exhibitor: €375 + VAT
Only available to exhibitors
- Logo included on your exhibitor profile
- Enhanced Exhibitor listing on event website
- Logo on the large floorplan at registration
- 1 x Interchangeable 2-day Delegate Pass (so you may share the pass with colleagues and tag team in and out of the conference)
- Unlimited On-Demand Videos, Press Releases, Product Brochures, and Case Studies added to your exhibitor profile
- Only available to exhibitors of Education Buildings Ireland 2026
To book this sponsorship opportunity please email: jacqui@stepconnect2.com
Speakers Lounge: €2500 + VAT
Sponsoring the Speakers Lounge gives you the opportunity to enhance your presence, profile and branding in front of 50+ sector leading speakers at Education Buildings Ireland 2026
- Company to sponsor the Speakers Lounge at Education Buildings Ireland 2026
- Company to have their logo on the Speakers Lounge signage
- Sponsor to provide up to 3 x pop up’s to be displayed in the Speakers Lounge
- Company to have their logo on the Speakers page of the Website denoting company as sponsor of the ‘Speakers Lounge’
- Company logo, profile, and hyperlink on the Sponsors page of the website
- 1 x 2-day conference pass
Delegates & Speakers Gift: €1500 + VAT
3 packages available
- One delegate & speaker gift to be handed out at registration (to be supplied by the sponsor)
- Company logo, profile, and hyperlink on the event website
- 1 x 2-day conference pass
EduFest: €3000 + VAT
Unique opportunity to sponsor the EduFest Drinks Reception which brings together Delegates, Visitors, Exhibitors and Speakers in a social environment in the central Catering Area.
This exclusive package provides enhanced profile at the Event and an opportunity for key personnel in the market to engage with your team.
- EduFest sponsored by…
- Company logo and branding of EduFest
- Drinks for EduFest included in the price (selection of beer, wine, and soft drinks)
- Bespoke invites produced on behalf of the sponsor, to be sent to all Pre-Registered attendees of Education Buildings Ireland inviting them to the ‘EduFest’
- Sponsor to provide 2 x pop up’s to be displayed at EduFest. You may also supply: branded beer mats/wine collars/drink menus and marketing material.
- Company logo, profile and hyperlink on the Website
- 1 full page advert in the Digital Event Guide
- 1 x 2-day conference pass
EduBreakfast Day 2: €1500 + VAT
- Buffet Networking Breakfast for up to 50 people. A selection of bacon, sausage and veggie baps provided, as well as tea & coffee, pastries and jugs of juice and water
- Company to sponsor the EduBreakfast Day 2
- Company to have their logo on the EduFringe page of the Website denoting company as sponsor of the ‘EduBreakfast Day 2’
- Company logo, profile, and hyperlink on the Sponsors page of the website
- 1 x 2-day conference pass
Badges: SOLD
Sponsored by:

Lanyards: €2500 + VAT
- Company logo, profile, and hyperlink on the event website
- Lanyards printed with your logo and given to all attendees – ensuring your branding is seen across the event
- 1 full page advert in the Digital Event Guide
- 1 x 2-day conference pass